Cash & Carry

Searching for a seamless way to stock up on bags? At Deimos, we offer a vast selection of over 3,000 articles ready for you to pick up directly from our inventory. Our Cash & Carry service lets you choose precisely what you need, while our option to purchase individual items adds an element of excitement to your buying experience. This ensures you maintain a perfectly balanced inventory, never having more than you can efficiently sell.

Purchasing bags at Deimos

Deimos gives you the chance to purchase individual bags, belts, wallets, and suitcases, helping you avoid overstocking and ensuring you always have space for the latest trendy bags. The idea behind Cash & Carry is straightforward: grab a shopping cart and browse through our selection of bags, belts, suitcases, and wallets to find the perfect items for your store.

You can find these brands in our Cash & Carry

In our Cash & Carry, you can purchase bags from 3 unique brands. You will find a variety of brands with products for women and men.

  • Sparwell

  • Bellicci